Learn the foundation for Understanding Respect

Gain a visual perspective and take an insightful journey into the all-important topic of respect.

Understanding Respect is an engaging and insightful foundational program that will introduce you to the two perspectives and the key constructs of the all-important topic of Respect. If you believe you know what respect is and what respect means, think again! Upon completion of this program (which we suggest you engage first) you will emerge with a whole new understanding of the concept of respect. You will be encouraged by what you already knew; you will be motivated by what you thought you knew, but did not; and you will be inspired by what you never knew and now understand. Prepare for an enlightening journey into the world of Respect.

EKTIMIS is a premiere online destination for personal, professional, and family development anchored around one central theme - respect. At EKTIMIS we perform research and develop innovative resources and tools designed to educate, inform, motivate, and inspire working individuals, professionals, families, groups and organizations interested in personal and professional development & improvement, workplace performance improvement, organizational improvement and workplace culture management.

The EKTIMIS brand represents and promotes respect - as an attitude, as a standard, and as a workstyle and lifestyle. We believe that you cannot adopt a workstyle or a lifestyle without first setting a standard; and you cannot establish a standard without forming the right attitude. Respect begins with the right attitude.

Quest Curriculum

  • 9 Levels
  • Coaching By EKTIMIS
  • Community Support
  • Level 01

    Respect - The Dual Perspectives

    Learn the dual perspectives behind respect. This knowledge will re-calibrate your attitude.

  • Level 02

    The Two Kinds of Respect

    Learn the two basic kinds of respect. Understand these and evaluate the strengths and/or weaknesses of your psyche and general mindset.

  • Level 03

    The Three Ways That We Manifest Respect

    Understand the three distinct ways (or categories) that each individual manifests or demonstrates respect - a real eye-opener.

  • Level 04

    Respect - At a Human Level

    Take a deep dive into the basic and most important way that we manifest respect - at a Human Level.

  • Level 05

    Respect - At a Positional Level

    Take a closer look into another societal way that we manifest respect - at a Positional (or Authority) Level.

  • Level 06

    Respect - At a Personal (Earned) Level

    Take a final look into the third, and personal, way that we manifest respect - at a Personal or Earned Level.

  • Level 07

    The Engine That Drives Respect

    The Values Choo Choo Train - Learn the engine instilled in each of us that drives the way that we manifest respect. This knowledge will provide a context for personal (self) improvement.

  • Level 08

    Reconfiguring the Engine

    Learn the two major factors that continuously reshape and reconfigure your "engine" - that drives respect. This knowledge will provide a blueprint for personal (self) improvement.

  • Level 09

    Visualization of Respect

    Visualize respect like you never have before - See it, feel it, understand it, and be inspired to improve yourself!

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