Brief weekly inspirational quotes relating to Respect - for active professionals on the go!

While traveling for work or rushing from one work location to another, or perhaps working from home, tap into EKTIGO! - EKTIMIS on the Go! for weekly introspective, inspirational and encouraging moments rooted in Respect.

EKTIMIS is a premiere online destination for personal, professional, and family development anchored around one central theme - respect. At EKTIMIS we perform research and develop innovative resources and tools designed to educate, inform, motivate, and inspire working individuals, professionals, families, groups and organizations interested in personal and professional development & improvement, workplace performance improvement, organizational improvement and workplace culture management.

The EKTIMIS brand represents and promotes respect - as an attitude, as a standard, and as a workstyle and lifestyle. We believe that you cannot adopt a workstyle or a lifestyle without first setting a standard; and you cannot establish a standard without forming the right attitude. Respect begins with the right attitude.

Quest Curriculum

  • 2 Levels
  • Coaching By EKTIMIS
  • Community Support
  • Level 01

    EKTIGO! Quote of the Week

    EKTIGO! - Inspirational quote of the week.

  • Level 02

    EKTIGO! - Preview

    Preview for next week's EKTIGO! inspirational quote.

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